A big thank you to everyone who
attended the Los Gatos Plein
Air Auction. Thank you to the
Los Gatos Rotary and Carol Waitte
for putting on the event.
And a special thank to
my host family Ken & Jackie
Cannizzaro for putting up with
...and the survey says:
5 Pieces created Los Gatos Plaza
4 Pieces sold
0 Ribbons
Dateline Los Angeles:
Richard Dawson
("Hogan's Heros" Newkirk)
Dies at age 79.
"In The Wee Small Hours"
was awarded JURY'S TOP 50 in
the Salon International 2012,
International Museum of
Contemporary Masters of
Fine Art, Detail from "In the Wee Small Hours"
Greenhouse Gallery,
San Antonio, Texas.
...and the survey says:
1,111 pieces were submitted to the Salon.
434 pieces were accepted into the Salon.
3 (of 3) pieces of mine were accepted.
1 piece of mine made the "Jury's Top Fifty".